Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Raya kedua

Masih bosan..pastu panas gila sekarang ni sbb aku malas nak bgun bukak kipas..pastu lapar gila sbb aku malas nak ambik nasik himpit..Aku hanya rajin utk ambik remote, tgk tv je..pastu on9 tgk video...nak tgk gak ke?? ok la aku kasi tepek kat sini

*teringat zaman nostalgia aku berangan2 kapel dgn gerard way*

ahah mcm fuck je!

ok malas nak letak bnyk2

then aku ader wat photoshoot editorial syok sendiri

Theme: Always a GOTH

dress,gothic dress,goth
1.Choker, Diva 2. Corset, Offline blogshop Sunway Pyramid 3. Skirt, Voir 4. Boots, MOD

gothic dress,gothic
1. Choker, Diva 2. Dress, Glitz and Glam 3. Shoes, Charles and Keith (je taw!)

gothic,goth,gothic dress,rocker
1. Choker, Diva 2. Dress, Melaka 3. Boots, MOD


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hershey's choco cornflakes n truffles...

Smlm time aku sms ngan aqeel tetiba teringat plak pasal choco-cornflakes yg aku rajin buat time zaman skolah dulu..ingat taaak?? kalo tak, tgk ni

so since along ngan aqeel and member2 yg lain suka ngan aku punya cekelat ni, isyaallah utk raya aku buat la utk korg..aku dah siap plan2 lagi nak ltk sprinkles2 kasi meriah sikit..mcm ko rajin sgt en?

then aku dah lama mencari recipe truffles sbb sng, tak payah nak pkai oven2 ni..

cenggini hah truffles tuh..

aku cari punya cari, dpt gak recipe dia from hershey punya website

there's a lot of awesome dessert recipes from this website taaaau...

Truffles Recipe-from Hershey of course


3/4 cup (1-1/2 sticks) butter
3/4 cup HERSHEY'S Cocoa
1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated milk)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Cocoa or powdered sugar

1 Melt butter in heavy saucepan over low heat. Add cocoa; stir until smooth. Add sweetened condensed milk; increase heat to medium. Cook, stirring constantly, about 4 minutes or until mixture has pudding-like consistency and is smooth and glossy.

2 Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Cover; refrigerate 3 to 4 hours or until firm. Shape into 1-1/4-inch balls; roll in cocoa or powdered sugar. Refrigerate until firm, 1 to 2 hours. Store, covered, in refrigerator. About 2-1/2 dozen candies.


NUT TRUFFLES: Add 3/4 cup coarsely chopped toasted pecans to chocolate mixture when adding vanilla. (To toast pecans: Heat oven to 375°F. Spread 3/4 cup pecan halves or pieces in single layer in ungreased shallow baking pan. Bake 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool before chopping.)

RUM NUT TRUFFLES: Decrease vanilla to 1 teaspoon. Stir in 2 to 3 tablespoons rum OR 1 teaspoon rum extract and nuts.

ESPRESSO TRUFFLES: Decrease vanilla to 1 teaspoon. Stir in 1-1/4 teaspoons powdered instant espresso or instant coffee when adding vanilla. Roll balls in cocoa or chopped nuts.

NUT-COATED TRUFFLES: Roll balls in chopped nuts.

Senang en??? Senang en???

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Projek polyvore lagi..kali ni utk member a.k.a adik angkat gua

Since sekarang life aku agak2 bosan and adik aku sorg ni plak tgh pening nak SPM dan jugak mencari perfect dinner dress, jdi dgn masa yg terluang aku tolong la dia kasi ideas2 through layouts yg aku buat kat website polyvore..masa terluang la konon padahal ader berlambak lagi test and quizes memanggil-manggil nama aku..arrkh dem! tpi kalo aku bce skrg pown mcm la masuk kepala hotak pown..aku kan suka last2 minit, baru la thrilling..lagi bila rasa mcm nak terbalikkan meja perrgh yg tu la feeling paling syok *mcm sial kan statement aku*

ok lah aku pown tak de bender sgt nak ckp..Qushwa, i hope i can help u with this..tak pe nnti nak cari baju, aku balik la Shah Alam..ko roger2 la aku..everybody, rate my collection ok!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Practice for demonstrative speech...

Today lepas aku and aida blaja account dgn mira panjang, aku ajk dorg lepak bilik aku..lagipown esok adelah sesi demontrative speech utk klass bel jadi aku kne la practice wat hairstyling kat model aku and aida also kne wat practice wat mekap kat model dia (gua laaaa!!!)..aku pun tak der bnyk cite sbb harini first day aku puasa (penaaaat..padahal kalo bergosip aku la no.1)

ok tgk la hasil drpd aida...harap2 esok time buat live, jadi laaa..

aku pown tak tau dia pkai shade ape..sumpah minah ni terer mekap..sifu aku!!!

nak jugak tunjuk mata biawak aku ni,..kah kah kah

aku lak wat messy mohawk style utk aida..since dia boleh wat bender shave2 design kat tepi kepala dia, aku buat la mohawk utk style kan lagi fesyen punk minah ni..padaha dia bukan punk pown..ahaaaks..

see see see..stylo ak??? rambut dia la paling sng la style sbb natural curl..kalo rambut si panjang tuh, aku yg menangis..rambut straight sgt..susah benor..

lawa tak???
This blog belongs to Amirah Y a.k.a Kak Long Wayer