Sunday, October 18, 2015

Life update 4: My planner supplies/tools | Organizations

To all who wonder how i got with planning, well these are the important tools that I need to have;

1) Blank A5 pre-punched inserts.

I had to buy this because I designed my own templates, so it's quite essential for me to keep on buying the refills that can be used for monthly and weekly layouts, divider pages and extra customized inserts. 

2) Typo "Oh Shit'' Notepad.

Basically I can survive without this but at some point I still have to use it because my weekly boxes are not big enough if I have to many to jot down.  With lots of shit on paper, I know this is a great steal!

3) Single hole puncher & Corner rounder

Trivia; The hole puncher is older than me because it was being used by my grandad during his working days.  A bit rusty but still holds the power to punch.

Nothing much to say, corner rounder makes everything more elegant.

4) Washi tapes

I kept all my washis in this clear case.  I believe it wont fit anymore washis after this -.-''

5) Stickers and more sticker!!!

This mini rainbow accordion folder is a genius invention.  Mini and rainbow.  lol!!!

6) Pens

Currently these are the pens that I'm using for planning and journalling.  
Why are they so adorable?????

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This blog belongs to Amirah Y a.k.a Kak Long Wayer