ini adelah kepala otak tambah ideologi tambah prinsip hidup gua through lagu ganas2..sangat poetry..seriyes dowh kalo x paham mmg aku x salahkan korg..
1) i see the angels, i lead them to you door,
there's no escape now, no mercy no more,
no remorse coz i still remember, the smile when you tore me apart...
2) i see kingdoms through ages,
rise and fall i've seen it all,
i've seen the horrors, seen the wonders,
happened just in front of my eyes...
3) give me strength to see the truth,
the doubt within my soul,
no longer i could justify,
the bloodshed in his name..
4) frozen inside without your touch,
without your life, daring only you,
are all alive among the dead...
5) why have you waiting to embrace me my dear,
cold is your silence dennying what is real,
i'm still wondering why, i'm still calling your name my dear...
6) i'll face it coz it's the heart of everything...
7) open up your eyes, save yourself from fading away now,
don't let it go, open up your eyes,
see what you've become don't sacrifice,
it's truly the heart of everything...
8) this world may have found you,
it does'nt give you reason why...
9) are they deserve to blame,
the misery the pain,
did'nt really let go,
allow to let it grow,
if we can't restrain,
the beast which dwells inside,
it will find it's way,
somehow somewhere in time...
10) wanna kill and rape you the way you rape me,
it's on, i'll pull the trigger and you're down, down ,down,
so why are you trying to make fun of me,
you think it's funny what the fuck you think it's doing to me,
you take your turn lashing out of me,
i want you cry when you're in here in front of me....
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010 yg keluar dikala keadaan aku yg terketai-ketai
aku terketai kat umah...emo sikit, seday sikit, ngantuk sikit, sangap x de langsung, bila da stress rase cam mau pukul orang, tetiba terkeluar laaa idea utk wat jewelry gothic lagi..disebabkan aku terlalu malas nak taip bnyk2 sbb aku tga nyanyi, jdi tgk jer laaa gambar niyh..kalo x nampak, klik jer kat gambar tuh..tpi bila da klik gambar still kecik, sila jerit kat aku ok!!!

for more info go to these link:
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Bon Odori 2010
atas sebab aku ngantuk, jdi aku nak merepek sikit jer niyh..sabtu lepas aku ngan yen meronggeng gi stadium matsushita sbb nak layan bon odori fest..bonda agak2 nak ikot, tpi tetiba cam nak demam..jadi beliau terketai laa kat umah dah aku enjoy laaa melupa diri lepak kat situ..dah laa tgk gambar jer laa nyah!
ktorg sampai2 jer, nah amik kau!!! skalo dorg tgah rehersal daaa.
dancers tgah dlm rehersal utk show malam tuh..
yen kalo bab2 posing niyh mmg teror..x payah aku ajar dia dah pass dah..wakaka
fuhlamak cam selena gomez pown ader..(senak x perut korg bce statement aku??)
aku mmg suka posing..sila terima hakikat yg aku mmg poyo..woi yen!! asal gambar aku jauh sgt???
ramai x?? kalo ko jwb x, meh sini aku tumbuk ko!!kahkahkah
ni baru 0.0003% org kat sane..sumpah ramai giler..berpeluh ketiak aku nak redah org ramai ok!!!
rajin tol pakai yukata..seb baik aku x dtg pkai telekung taw!!
ni gambar yg yen sempat amik..dorg nak wat drum performance..tpi time niyh ktorg dah nak balik dah..aku dah pegi time form 3, so x gian sgt laaa...but quite interesting arr drums dia...rugi giler aarrrr ko x ikot jud!!! kan aku dah ckp, post ni spesel utk ko..wakaka
ape lagi!! aku kalo dah nampak makan mula laaa naik antu..kan aku dah cakap memang burok rupa nyer kalo korg tgk aku penuh perasaan niyh..kalo ader balak ensem kat sebalah, mau aku buat tak tau jer sbb terlalu fanatik terhadap makanan..sbb tuh laa aku beli t-shirt tulis "I LOVE FOOD kat sana...wohoo..
fuhlamak cam selena gomez pown ader..(senak x perut korg bce statement aku??)
comeyl x aku?? mmg comeyl pown kan..(sila tahan muntah ok)..perasan sial..yen, aku tetap nak tibai handbag ko!!
ni baru 0.0003% org kat sane..sumpah ramai giler..berpeluh ketiak aku nak redah org ramai ok!!!
ape lagi!! aku kalo dah nampak makan mula laaa naik antu..kan aku dah cakap memang burok rupa nyer kalo korg tgk aku penuh perasaan niyh..kalo ader balak ensem kat sebalah, mau aku buat tak tau jer sbb terlalu fanatik terhadap makanan..sbb tuh laa aku beli t-shirt tulis "I LOVE FOOD kat sana...wohoo..
Monday, July 19, 2010
metal frontwoman wohooo!! mesti donlod laaa dei!!
warrghh!! awesome giler dowh band2 niyh..dah laa frontwoman dorg nyer suara agak2 soprano n lagu2 mostly symphonic metal..aku nak donlod!! nak praktis nyanyi sbb aku nyer voice type adelah soprano (menurut yen) jdi kne cari symphonic metal arr doh untuk memekak dgn teknik nyanyian di zaman jahiliah..eyh ape ko merepek setan?? hahaha saje jer nak post gambar dorg kat sini sbb tkt aku lupa ape name band dorg..cirit mesti kes bnyk makan semut niyh..

Saturday, July 10, 2010
skrg misi aku adelah pow bapak aku suroh blikan mp3 sony yg ader playlist..wakaka jakun giler kan!! patut mintak laa ipod kan, tpi aku malas nak beripod2 sbb mahal sgt, kang klo rosak aku yg meraung dowh..
hmmm, aku nak yg murah jer but WAJIB ader playlist sbb sng aku nak cri lagu..x der laa penat aku nak mencari 1 lagu dlm beratus list yg wujud kat dunia niyh..eyh??
ok, mesti pelik kan nape aku sakai sgt nak mp3, tujuan nyer adelah sbb aku x nak kacau fon aku..sejak fon aku yg sial (tpi pling aku sayang) tuh juga berfungsi sebagai mp3 dan jugak player utk tgk video shin chan, beteri dia makin sengkek..dan aku aderlah salah sorang mangkuk hayun yg sgt pemalas nak cocok charger kat fon..x tau nape tpi mmg malas giler arr..
weyh, nnti aku ltk gambar..nak gi melahap niyh

RM 599.00

RM 499.00

RM 399.00

RM 299.00
hmmm, aku nak yg murah jer but WAJIB ader playlist sbb sng aku nak cri lagu..x der laa penat aku nak mencari 1 lagu dlm beratus list yg wujud kat dunia niyh..eyh??
ok, mesti pelik kan nape aku sakai sgt nak mp3, tujuan nyer adelah sbb aku x nak kacau fon aku..sejak fon aku yg sial (tpi pling aku sayang) tuh juga berfungsi sebagai mp3 dan jugak player utk tgk video shin chan, beteri dia makin sengkek..dan aku aderlah salah sorang mangkuk hayun yg sgt pemalas nak cocok charger kat fon..x tau nape tpi mmg malas giler arr..
weyh, nnti aku ltk gambar..nak gi melahap niyh

RM 599.00

RM 499.00

RM 399.00

RM 299.00
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