Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy 2017!!! and more...

Hello everyone, I've been blogging for more than 6 years now and I would like to expand my experience with you guys in terms of collaboration, reviews and other relevant media spread in this blog.  Explore my world, my thoughts and my journey in this weird side of the internet.

So feel free to email me and who knows you might be featured in here!

Don't be afraid, I don't bite :D 


Hope everyone have a joyful new year and may 2017 bring more candies rather that shit.

With love,
Amirah Why

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What am I up to these days | Gaming Sims 3 in 2016-Ep. 6

I really should have uploaded this earlier bahahaha.

Mehh you guys always know why, lazy busy yada yada yada.

Well remember I told you that we moved out from that goddamn huge floating mansion?  Yasss we did and also recreate the small house challenge.  Apparently it's not that small but I made it into something minimal and able to make 8 households to move around freely without screaming to a brother who blocked them in front of the refrigerator for nothing.

Also I'm recreating the 100 babies challenge which I never expect this gonna get complete but we'll see..we'll see..But we did got married at the park though 😍😍😍

Here's the most optimal small house that I managed to build:

I'm so in love with the side outdoor staircase and the small tv area 💓💓💓

I shall present to you the darkly darkly interior of my house 🎃🎃🎃

Cutest halloween themed tv area

Monday, November 28, 2016

My Holosexuality

Well just so you know, I'm a legit HOLOSEXUAL!!!

Thanks to Cristine from SimplyNailogical, I am now a rainbow glitter Goth.  Also managed to convert my boyfriend to be one and he's loving the holosexuality apart from being a true metal guy.

Look at ma nailz!!! This is all your fault Cristine!!!

I'm enjoying this holosexuality as it has already spread to my most favourite stationery store, Typo.  Omg what's not to love guys?  Come on!!!  Stationeries and Holo, the 2 general crap that I like to waste my money on. lol!!!  

Last week was Black Friday and I had no regrets for spending my money in Typo.  After getting off work, I forced my mom to go out with me.  She was like when the hell did I ever give a shit about Black Friday.  Well, actually never, but I really need those Holo items from that store plus with 30% discount why the hell should I never bother about this?  It's like ignoring a gold mine but in this case, I'm spending my golds instead of keeping them 😶😶😶

So here what I got during Black Friday sales;

Feel the Holo Porno...

Look at ma Holo...


Sunday, October 16, 2016

What am I up to these days | Gaming Sims 3 in 2016-Ep. 5

Hello everyone, it's me again!

I've designed a new home on my second game slot (first game slot is the huge mansion).  My concept this time is to get very Zen mode on the front as you enter the house and modern twin loft design on the second floor for skills building.  For bedrooms, I made them all to be in the basement.

Also I'm a big fan of flat roof.

Disclaimer: I've used a lot of custom contents in this house and I don't own any of them.  

Added 2 tapestries on the main wall of the second floor.

Double staircase connecting 2 different sides of the second floor.

Coolest staircase ever!

My living area

Dining area next to the kitchen with purple modern and whimsical Gothic theme.

I need my real kitchen to be like this.  Usually I'd build an island in the middle but this time I don't think it's necessary because this house is not that big actually.

That spiral stairs leads to the bedroom area in the basement.

Consist of 4 bedroom and 2 bathrooms.  
Not all completed yet though since my household is only 2 at the moment.

Halloween themed nursery.

The main bedroom.

Well that's all for today.  Hope you guys are inspired to builds something like this :D

Happy simming!

Remember my Gardening Challenge and 10 Generation Challenge that I've never finished because I my laptop crashed into a pit of darkeness twice or more than that

Here are my challenges for you guys to check out...

What am I up to these days | Artsy Fartsy Coloring

I'm so obsessed with adult coloring books and I have like a million of them.  Well, actually 5 only but just for the drama..just for the drama.

At first I was very eager of coloring using pencils but as I'm getting more and more miserable with my life, water color would do for me.  I don't have the actual artistic skills of water coloring though.  

Basocally people do things with motivation, while I do things with ultimate laziness.  

Nothing much to say here, just thought that colors and rainbows will make your day happier.

Happy smiling!

What am I up to these days | Gaming Sims 3 in 2016-Ep. 4

I moved out.


I know you guys are laughing at me.

My huge mansion became very inconvenient because I made everything into a single level thus the game had lagging issues on loading everything at one go.

So yeah, moved out to a smaller lot and now getting stressed out on making the smallest most compact house ever!

Just so you know, I renovate the house and add the second floor but it still didn't work for everything gotta go including my favourite living area T_T

Final glance of the stupid  mansion.  Look at it beetch! LOOK!!!!

Those were the 3 rooms renovated to the second floor.

Goodbye ugly floating wreck.

Say hello to my new house on the next entry. 

Happy simming!

Remember my Gardening Challenge and 10 Generation Challenge that I've never finished because I my laptop crashed into a pit of darkeness twice or more than that

Here are my challenges for you guys to check out...

Monday, September 5, 2016

What am I up to these days | Gaming Sims 3 in 2016-Ep. 3

Hello everyone, it's me again apologizing for not updating about my gaming shit for a while. 😅

My previous update shows until the dining area of the house, so today I will be showing you guys the skills development areas of the house.  I don't think its a house anymore, its a goddamn mansion now.  I know its creative as fuck as I'm bragging about my talent on building this mansion but it took like a really long time for my sims to move from one area to another.  

Like Gaaawwddd wtf?! 😭😭😭

The blank area next to the gym is still under construction btw. 

Still floating.  To all especially newbies who wonders wtf with all those columns?  Well just so you know each columns provide small multiple grids functioned to levitate a new floor area so that you can build on it.  That's why I put a lot of columns down there (which will be deleted after I finish designing the mansion) so the house can float later.  Magic beetch!

Here's the very small gym coz you know, who likes working out duhh 

The next room is far more relaxing and is build for reading (multiple skills), expanding logic, music and art skills for my sims.

The small door from the previous area acts like a secret passage for my witch-crafting room and only be access through that door only.  Witchy!  

I'm so in love with this decor setting.  Candles...candles everywhere.

I guess that's all for today.

Happy simming!

Remember my Gardening Challenge and 10 Generation Challenge that I've never finished because I my laptop crashed into a pit of darkeness twice or more than that

Here are my challenges for you guys to check out...

This blog belongs to Amirah Y a.k.a Kak Long Wayer