Sunday, March 15, 2009

Need to get some supplies...

I need this stuff to make my new DIY project using some ideas from websites and I did some brainstorming to make it more to my design and creativity..Well, I won't tell you what the hell am I going to make..Aww, be patient..I will show you after I've finished this project..And maybe I'll put a BASIC tutorial..

Tomorrow I'll go to the craft store with my twin bestfriend (i don't have a twin but me and my friend look like twins) to get these stuff and I hope I'll get all this stuff from that store coz their craft supply are limited..I'll try my best..

Wish me luck guys!!!

Jump rings
Black rose corsage (or dark red)
Metal chains

Black zipper

Net (lots of nets)


maru_sama said...

yo ape project beb?

Amirah Why said...

ade eh..maner leh bgtau lagi..

♥Felly フェリ♥ said...

hey..harap berjayalah projek kau walaupun ko rahsiakannya! i can't wait to see!

Amirah Why said...

ahahah.x der la besar sgt..biase jer

Amirah Why said...

rilek2 sabar je..

This blog belongs to Amirah Y a.k.a Kak Long Wayer