Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What am I up to these days | Gaming Sims 3 in 2016-Ep. 2

The making of an oddly separated feeding area.

"I have an idea! Why don't make separate rooms for the kitchen and the dining hall?''

Yes it sounded unique and bright as fuck but I had regrets because it took me hours to set the two areas but ended up feeling like having something not like a home but merely creating extra job for me to clean up.

Whatever, here's how they look like before I actually made it into one hall

Also, the only way for the sims to go to the dining hall was by walking through the front corridor that facing the street.  Genius huh? Well yes I am if it's a real house that fights obesity by walking from one room to another.

Btw, this is the entrance hallway.  The only part of the house that actually sits on the ground.

Happy simming!

Remember my Gardening Challenge and 10 Generation Challenge that I've never finished because I my laptop crashed into a pit of darkeness twice or more than that

Here are my challenges for you guys to check out...

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This blog belongs to Amirah Y a.k.a Kak Long Wayer