Saturday, October 29, 2011

Attention!!! Have you guys listened to Heart A-Tack?

Have you guys ever heard bout them?

Well sape yang rajin layan battle of the band confirm kenal dorg.  Aku aku mmg mengaku that i'm not a fan of this kind of music/genre, coz u know aku mmg metal kejadah habis.  But sumpah i've seen these guys live (yang aku ingat kat Yamaha Battle of The Bands and during my prom), and seriyesly they are awesome.  Forget bout metal for a while and try listened to this.

Kan aku dah kate, dorg punya performance sampai ibu jari kaku aku pown bagi thumbs up.  Dorg pown ade kluar kat Astro channel 705 utk ape tah..  aku bosan2 jadi bukak channel tuh, skali nampak dorg punya behind the scene buat video utk lagu dorg.  From that moment, you guys got my support.

Btw, ni fanpage dorg (click click click)

aku wajibkan korg semua tgk fanpage..tau tau tau.

No worries you guys, you got full support from this goth metal head!!


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This blog belongs to Amirah Y a.k.a Kak Long Wayer