Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy 2017!!! and more...

Hello everyone, I've been blogging for more than 6 years now and I would like to expand my experience with you guys in terms of collaboration, reviews and other relevant media spread in this blog.  Explore my world, my thoughts and my journey in this weird side of the internet.

So feel free to email me and who knows you might be featured in here!

Don't be afraid, I don't bite :D 


Hope everyone have a joyful new year and may 2017 bring more candies rather that shit.

With love,
Amirah Why

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What am I up to these days | Gaming Sims 3 in 2016-Ep. 6

I really should have uploaded this earlier bahahaha.

Mehh you guys always know why, lazy busy yada yada yada.

Well remember I told you that we moved out from that goddamn huge floating mansion?  Yasss we did and also recreate the small house challenge.  Apparently it's not that small but I made it into something minimal and able to make 8 households to move around freely without screaming to a brother who blocked them in front of the refrigerator for nothing.

Also I'm recreating the 100 babies challenge which I never expect this gonna get complete but we'll see..we'll see..But we did got married at the park though 😍😍😍

Here's the most optimal small house that I managed to build:

I'm so in love with the side outdoor staircase and the small tv area 💓💓💓

I shall present to you the darkly darkly interior of my house 🎃🎃🎃

Cutest halloween themed tv area

This blog belongs to Amirah Y a.k.a Kak Long Wayer