Monday, December 28, 2015

Busy as a bee.

I don't even know what to share with you guys about my life.

So, let's make a list of what's actually happening:

1) One of my good friends became a piece of shit and made us all clean up her shit.  I'm so annoyed and actually came to a sense that I had enough of her.  Leave me fucking alone.

2) Thinking to venture a business in fashion with my friend.  

3) I had a minor depression and it was terrifying.  I wet my bed <-- a="" and="" bed="" better.="" bullshit="" day="" deep="" depressing="" do="" emotions="" extent.="" fight="" fighting="" font="" getting="" god="" guess="" had="" hank="" have="" holding="" i="" in="" laundry="" lot="" m="" made="" mess="" my="" nbsp="" of="" onto="" other="" people="" realized="" so="" still="" sudden="" that="" the="" this.="" to="" until="" up="" was="" wet="" yup="">

4) Currently I'm facing my final exams and really hope to end this fast.  

So yeah...

That's what actually happening..

Friday, December 4, 2015

Life Update 6: Melbourne Class Vacation | Educational Trip

Sorry for being missing again for a long time.  

Just to catch up with you guys, I went overseas with my whole classmates for our academic trip.  It was a whole week trip and I was so overwhelmed with everything hahaha.  

There's nothing much for me to talk about actually and I guessed you guys don't even have the time to read, so let's just enjoy this Vlog and photos below.

Good day everyone!

I'm a child-like 22 year old kid hahaha

Things went more awesome when you bump into the Sultan of Johor.  
Thank you Tuanku for your wonderful treat.

The little garden at the Shrine of Remembrance.

It felt like I'm at Wacken Open Air

The most hurting shoes ever worn.  I regret buying it so much :(

Going to the beach

Bath House of Brighton Beach


Met my high school mate

The Weirdos

This blog belongs to Amirah Y a.k.a Kak Long Wayer