ok2 nak gelak lagi arr
aaaaaaaarrrrkkhhhhhhhhhh *batuk2*
rite, abaikan bender2 merepek aku niyh..
aku just happy sgt hari niyh sbb aku da achive sumthing yg aku terketai2 nak buat sblm niyh..
Bi time last 2 periods..so, satu hari aku mcm nak terkencing n nak penampar muka org especially time lepas rehat tadi sbb aku tension, takut and effect terlebih tido smlm pown ader lagi..
giler dowh tido dari 7.50 p.m sampai 12.38 a.m then aku turun bawah sbb nak minum milo then naik atas balik, dgr2 lgu n sambung tido dri kol 1.43 a.m sampai 6.15 a.m..amacam stail x?? aku bgtau dudes aku, ni comment dorg
fith: sumpah ko niyh x der life dowh..tido, bangun, milo, n tido balik..hahahahaha
mat (revolusi jatuh kerusi): y!! confirm milo mesti ader dlm idop ko kan??!! x abis2 milo.. (time tuh aku teringat, time puasa ganti last year, aku punyer la sedap minum milo, dah nak tinggal setangah milo tuh bru teringat yg aku puasa..akhirnya mahangkuk niyh pulak yg dpt tibai milo aku..ceehh!!!)
izzul (yg x tau ape cite): LISA!!!!!!!!!!! (-___-'')
eyh, jauh nyer i dah merepek2 ni nyah.. ok nyah kiter sambung balik tau!!
bila period bi dah start aku agak2 panic n mcm x kesah janji nyanyi jer..
so, tecer tulis kat board
''5 SC 1 Talent Search''
Host: Mr. Dash
Judge: Pn Fatinah
Voters: 5 Sc 1 students
incik e -katy perry song
y n yen2 - ice queen "within temptation"
fith - i'm yours "jason mraz"
hashok n azzam - breaking free "high school musical"
barathan - hello "lionel ritchie"
wanie n ezzat - lucky "jason mraz feat colbie calait
So, dgn penuh happy n cuak n nak terkencing, aku ngan yen nyanyi la lagu ice queen..
and alhamdulillah!! we rock!!
time judging and comment, Pn Fatinah was like:
''ok, you guys are good..your voice are ok..and amirah you have a great voice (kembang i nyah!!)..the thing is, you did'nt memorize the lyrics and that's why i have to deduct your marks girls..anyway good performance..you marks is 35..err, wait2 i'll count for a while, ok 38 marks from me and the voters!!''
result dia ktrog dpt marks 38/50 just 2 mark less than the winner, wakil for the class for finals nanti..
hahahaha seb baik x yah wakil sbb nanti kne nyanyi kat pentas kot..lgi pown aku hafal lyrics dia just nak tau ktorg nyanyi part2 maner jer..but who cares!! dah dpt masuk tuh pown kira alhamdulillah la..
incik izzul kasi aku letter niyh lps aku nyanyi sbb dia nak gi test chem lps tuh..
kat letter tuh tulis...
My Vote : (gambar tengkorak setengah)
I vote: Nur Amirah (Lisa) (watafak?? Y la weyh!!)
P/S: if only she got the background music, i bet her singing will be even better
My Comment: I think her pitch is great, that may be a future singer for this class
cehwah, puji2 niyh yg aku agak2 lemah sikit niyh, tkt nanti aku lupa diri..adeih..anyway thanx incik izzul, mat and fith and other sbb support aku ngan yen tadi!! u guys are great!!!
thanx!!! and bye!! aku nak tidow!!
p/s: kat ner nak beli dumbell??